I want to display only 100 characters in Kendo Grid

Rui Martins picture Rui Martins · Aug 26, 2014 · Viewed 12.6k times · Source

Ok, I don't really have a better title, but here's the thing. I just had a requirement for a change in my kendo grid. Here's a picture of it.

enter image description here

And here's the code.

    .Columns(columns =>
        columns.Template(@<text></text>).ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox'/>").Width(10).Hidden(!Model.Administrator);

        columns.Bound(product => product.RESOURCE_SET_NAAM).ClientTemplate("#= RESOURCE_SET_NAAM#");

        columns.Bound(product => product.Naam).ClientTemplate("#= Naam#");

        columns.Bound(product => product.Waarde).ClientTemplate("<div id='editorDiv'><div class='input'>#=Waarde#</div><div class='editor'>" +
            Html.WebCore().LinkButton(type: ButtonType.Edit, htmlAttributes: new { onclick = "openPopupDemo('#: Waarde #', '#: ID #', 'Waarde')" }));

        columns.Bound(product => product.Opmerking).ClientTemplate("<div id='editorDiv'><div class='input'>#=Opmerking#</div><div class='editor'>" +
            Html.WebCore().LinkButton(type: ButtonType.Edit, htmlAttributes: new { onclick = "openPopupDemo('#: Opmerking #', '#: ID #', 'Opmerking')" }));

        columns.Template(@<text></text>).ClientTemplate("<div id='deleteDiv'><div class='delete'><a class=\"delete iconBtn\" onclick=\"deleteResourceItem(#: ID #, '#: Naam #')\"></a></div></div>").Width(10).Hidden(!Model.Administrator);
    .Events(events => events.Edit("onCellEdit").DataBinding("onDataBinding"))
    .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InCell).DisplayDeleteConfirmation(false))
    .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
        .Events(e => e.Error("error_handler"))
        .Model(model =>
            model.Id(product => product.ID);
            model.Field(product => product.Naam).Editable(Model.Administrator);
            model.Field(product => product.Opmerking).Editable(Model.Administrator);
            model.Field(product => product.Waarde).Editable(!Model.ReadOnly);
            model.Field(product => product.RESOURCE_SET_ID).DefaultValue(Model.SetID);
            model.Field(product => product.Type).DefaultValue(Domain.Agromilieu2.Common.Objects.Entities.Resources.ResourceType.GLOBAL_RESOURCES);
            model.Field(product => product.Taal).DefaultValue(Domain.Agromilieu2.Common.Agromilieu2Constants.Resources.DEFAULT_TAAL_CODE);
        .Create(create => create.Action(MVC.BeheerTeksten.ActionNames.ResourceItems_Create, MVC.BeheerTeksten.Name).Data("onCreateAdditionalData"))
        .Read(read => read.Action(MVC.BeheerTeksten.ActionNames.ResourceItems_Read, MVC.BeheerTeksten.Name, new { setID = Model.SetID }).Data("onReadAdditionalData"))
        .Update(update => update.Action(MVC.BeheerTeksten.ActionNames.ResourceItems_Update, MVC.BeheerTeksten.Name))
        .Destroy(destroy => destroy.Action(MVC.BeheerTeksten.ActionNames.ResourceItems_Delete, MVC.BeheerTeksten.Name))

In the Waarde column, for example, we have text and a button in each cell. That button opens a Kendo Editor with that text.

enter image description here

What was asked to do is display a maximum of 100 characters in the cell and then, as I open the Kendo Editor, to show the full text. I have no idea if this is even possible.


cwishva picture cwishva · Aug 26, 2014

Ya sure Can , I see you have Client Templates for the Column add this as the template

#if(Waarde.length>100){# # var myContent =Waarde; #  # var dcontent = myContent.substring(0,100); # <span>#=kendo.toString(dcontent)#</span> #}else{# <span>#=Waarde#</span> #}#

NOTE: Not Tested , Might have to check the template a bit

Add any other HTML You like its a Kendo Template with IF ELSE , For more Info Check the Docs
