How can I strip all html formatting from text when pasting into KendoUI Editor?

richardwhatever picture richardwhatever · Mar 25, 2013 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

I want to use KendoUI editor to basically only allow users to format text into paragraphs. Possibly allow bold and underline.

I'm struggling with 2 things:

  1. I want to strip all html formatting from text when pasting
  2. I want to disable keyboard shortcuts for bold, underline etc - they seem to work even when toolbar element is not there.



OnaBai picture OnaBai · Mar 25, 2013

For pasting the only the text you might define a paste handler that remove all but text. This is as simple as:

    paste: function (ev) {
        ev.html = $(ev.html).text();

The paste handler receives as argument an event that has in html the text being parsed. We can use jQuery for getting only the text using $(ev.html).text()

For removing the shortcuts, and as far as I could test it with latest Kendo UI version, if you define only the tools that you want, only those shortcut are active. So if you say something like:

    tools: [
    paste: function (ev) {
        ev.html = $(ev.html).text();

Only italic shortcut <ctrl>+i is available. If you leave tools array empty then you do not have any.