Top "Kapt" questions

Use this tag for questions about the kapt (Kotlin Annotation Processing) compiler plugin for annotation processing with Kotlin.

Android project with Java and Kotlin files, kapt or annotationProcessor?

I would like to know if in an Android project mixing Java and Kotlin files we must use annotationProcessor or …

java gradle kotlin apt kapt
With 'kotlin-kapt' plugin, Android Studio doesnt provide specific errors about Dagger 2

I use Kotlin with Dagger 2. The problem is, when I make mistake while implementing Dagger (e.g., miss @Inject for …

android kotlin dagger-2 kapt
NonExistentClass cannot be converted to Annotation

I added a new Retrofit interface to my project containing a couple of Endpoints annotated with the @GET and @HEADERS …

android retrofit2 dagger-2 kapt