I try to implement k-means as a homework assignment. My exercise sheet gives me following remark regarding empty centers:
During the iterations, if any of the cluster centers has no data points associated with it, replace it with a random data point.
That confuses me a bit, firstly Wikipedia or other sources I read do not mention that at all. I further read about a problem with 'choosing a good k for your data' - how is my algorithm supposed to converge if I start setting new centers for cluster that were empty.
If I ignore empty clusters I converge after 30-40 iterations. Is it wrong to ignore empty clusters?
Check out this example of how empty clusters can happen: http://www.ceng.metu.edu.tr/~tcan/ceng465_f1314/Schedule/KMeansEmpty.html It basically means either 1) a random tremor in the force, or 2) the number of clusters k is wrong. You should iterate over a few different values for k and pick the best. If during your iterating you should encounter an empty cluster, place a random data point into that cluster and carry on. I hope this helped on your homework assignment last year.