when you hit a serious compilation error while writing JSP pages and running under Oracle OC4J or Application Server, you can end up with the following displayed on screen:
500 Internal Server Error OracleJSP: An error occurred. Consult your application/system administrator for support. Programmers should consider setting the init-param debug_mode to "true" to see the complete exception message.
I've seen varying advice on how/where to set the debug_mode init-param. What are the options?
Also, is this specific to Oracle, or is this a JSP standard feature? How would the technique be different for other application servers?
Option 1: add the debug_mode parameter to the OC4J global-web-application.xml
Option 2: add to your application's web.xml
For example:
Since these options are being set for the class oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet, it is obviously specific for Oracle OC4J/Application Server installations.