how to check if the a button has been pressed (in a jsp file)

user2161721 picture user2161721 · Mar 27, 2014 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

I am working on a JSP file(don't want to use a servlet), I have a simple form, 2 labels, 2 inputs and 2 buttons, and I want to print out the submitted string on the same jsp page , the problem is that the last values submitted remain printed on the screen as I try new ones, that is why I thought of a test to check whether the button submit was clicked before we move to the display, I tried this code :

       <form  method='post'>
       <label>Username</label> <input type="text" name="user"  required/>
       <label>Password</label> <input type="password" name="pwd" required />
       <input type="submit" value="confirm" name ="submit" /> 
       <input type="reset" value="clear"  /> 
       // test if the submit button was clicked (check if value of submit is confirm)

        <% String x=request.getParameter("submit")%>
        <% if (x.equals("confirm")){ %>

       <% if (request.getParameter("user")!="" && request.getParameter("pwd")!=""){ %>
       <h4> user is : <% out.write(request.getParameter("user")); %> </h4>
       <h4> password is : <% out.write(request.getParameter("pwd")); %> </h4>
       <% } else {  %>

        <h4> inputs r empty !! </h4> 

       <% } %>
       <% } %>

I get an error at line :

       <% if (x.equals("confirm")){ %>

any idea why ?


developerwjk picture developerwjk · Mar 27, 2014

First of all, stop opening and closing JSP tags unnecessarily. Its sloppy and unreadable. Secondly, you're missing a semi-colon. Third, you need to check for the possibility that the parameter is null. When the form was not submitted, the parameter is null.

This is bad:

 <% String x=request.getParameter("submit")%>
 <% if (x.equals("confirm")){ %>

Do it like this:

   String x = request.getParameter("submit");
   if(x!=null && x.equals("confirm"))

You could also reverse the string comparison. If you use a dot operator on a variable that is null, you get a null pointer exception. So you could use the dot operator on the string literal, and thus avoid explicitly checking for null:

   String x = request.getParameter("submit");

Also once you fix this, you will run into a problem with if (request.getParameter("user")!="". You need to use .equals() because in Java for String ==, != do not compare string contents, but compare pointer (i.e. memory address) equivalence.