Spring MVC <form:errors/> tag doesn't find error messages

Mojo picture Mojo · Sep 1, 2009 · Viewed 27.5k times · Source

I work with a front-end developer who writes JSP files. We have a form that is working correctly, except validation/binding/processing errors can't seem to be displayed with Spring's <form:errors/> tag.

I've confirmed that the error is being set, and what is apparently the correct path for the errors. Supposedly <form:errors path="*" /> should render them all, regardless of path, but it shows nothing.

Do I need to get into the tag library source to deduce what's going wrong?


Derek picture Derek · May 26, 2010

2 things I discovered.

1) make sure you specify the name of the form-bean / command object in the form tag

<form:form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" commandName="salesOrder">

2) make sure you name your form-bean / command object by its class name. In the example above my class is com.abc.xyz.SalesOrder. If I call it "so" or "order" in the model then it will not show the errors.