difference between JSF, RichFaces, PrimeFaces and IceFaces

learner picture learner · Nov 19, 2012 · Viewed 32.6k times · Source

I am new to jsf and want to know about the clear difference between JSF, Rich-/Prime-/IceFaces.

In JSF we create pages with .jsp extension and write java code in the backing beans.

But how exactly all "faces" are different and related to jsf.


Mukul Goel picture Mukul Goel · Nov 19, 2012

I think if you put it very simply . ref : Source

JSF is a request-driven MVC web framework for constructing user interfaces using components.

And PrimeFaces/RichFaces/IceFaces are components/JSF libraries that you can use on top of JSF

  1. RichFaces : is an open source Ajax-enabled component library for JavaServer Faces

  2. ICEfaces, open-source, Java JSF extension framework and rich components, Ajax without JavaScript

  3. PrimeFaces Ajax framework with JSF components