Jsoup is a Java HTML parser for extracting and manipulating HTML data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jQuery-like methods.
I was just wondering has anyone got a sample eclipse project with a working implementation of JSoup? Im trying to …
android jsoupI am everything but the most experienced JAVA user, however, I am quite desperate regarding my problem. Every time I …
java compression jsoup gzip gzipinputstreamHow can I extract the contents of the table located at: /id/2/year/2012/acc-conference">http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/…
jsoupI'm having a silly problem : I'm trying to add the Jsoup library (which is just an external jar) to my …
configuration intellij-idea jsoupI am trying to crawl the user's ratings of cinema movies of imdb from the review page: (number of movies …
java web-crawler jsoup http-errorI am trying to select, using Jsoup, a <div> that has multiple classes: <div class="content-text right-align …
java jsoupWhen I try to open a link to parse with jsoup I get an error. Connection command: Document doc = Jsoup.…
java jsoup httpconnectionI have been writing some codes to get some data from some pages in Java and Jsoup was on of …
c++ html css-selectors jsoupI have used this method to retrieve a webpage into an org.jsoup.nodes.Document object: myDoc = Jsoup.connect(myURL).…
java jsoup document