Top "Jsonp" questions

JSON with Padding (JSONP) is a technique for working around cross-domain Ajax limitations.

jQuery.getJSON causes "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :" for youtube oembed

Here is what I'm trying to do: $.getJSON('…

jquery json youtube jsonp oembed
Does JSONP require server modifications?

I understand that jsonp is a technique to get around the same origin policy. You basically refer to your json …

ajax jsonp ria server-side
The type [nameHere] registered for extension '[extensionHere]' could not be loaded

I've been learning and building JSONP Web services using WCF on fx3.5. You can read some of the trials I …

.net wcf web-config jsonp wcf-extensions
Implementing an ajax call in clojurescript

I'm new to clojurescript and would like to do a deeper dive by implementing a previously written application purely in …

ajax jsonp clojurescript
List of Unicode characters that should be filtered in output?

Recently I hit a bug due to data quality with browser support, and I am looking for a safe rule …

unicode escaping jsonp data-quality
What is the underscore for in the query string of a jQuery jsonp ajax request?

When I look at the query string from a jsonp request (client code below), there are 2 objects, a "callback" string …

jquery jsonp
Yahoo JSONP Ajax Request Wrapped in callback function

I understand that I can make a crossdomain ajax call with jquery, .ajax, and jsonp. I am calling the yahoo …

jquery ajax jsonp yahoo-api
Dynamic multiple Deferred jQuery Ajax calls

Using the Deferred pattern from jQuery, I am trying to make multiple jsonp ajax …

javascript jquery ajax jsonp deferred
Best long term choice: JSONP vs EasyXDM

What is the best long term choice between JSONP and EasyXDM to allow a domain on http to talk to …

security cross-domain jsonp
Is there any way to convert JSONP format to JSON?

I am trying to parse a response from server and i am new to this topic, Unfortunately it is in …

android jsonp