Get keys in JSON

Stefan picture Stefan · Sep 28, 2017 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

I get the following JSON result from an external system:

  "key1": "val1",
  "key2": "val2",
  "key3": "val3"

Now I want to display all keys and all values by using JSONPath. So I am looking for something to get key1, key2 and key3 as a result. Additionally I would like to use the index of a property, e. g. $....[2].key to get "key3" etc. Is there a way to do something like this?


Viktor picture Viktor · Sep 12, 2018

I found that the tilda ~ symbol is able to retrieve the keys of the values it's called upon. So for your example a query like this:


Returns this:


Another example, if we had a JSON document like this:

  "key1": "val1",
  "key2": "val2",
  "key3": {

A query like this:


Would return this:


It's important to note that these examples work on and some other simulators/online tools, but on some they don't. It might come from the fact that I found out about the tilda(~) operator in the JSONPath plus documentation and not the official one.