Trying to convert a CSV file into a JSON
Here is two sample lines :
-21.3214077;55.4851413;Ruizia cordata
-21.3213078;55.4849803;Cossinia pinnata
I would like to get something like :
"occurrences": [
"position": [-21.3214077, 55.4851413],
"taxo": {
"espece": "Ruizia cordata"
Here is my script :
echo '"occurences": [ '
cat se.csv | while read -r line
IFS=';' read -r -a array <<< $line;
echo -n -e '{ "position": [' ${array[0]}
echo -n -e ',' ${array[1]} ']'
echo -e ', "taxo": {"espece":"' ${array[2]} '"'
echo "]";
I get really strange results :
"occurences": [
""position": [ -21.3214077, 55.4851413 ], "taxo": {"espece":" Ruizia cordata
""position": [ -21.3213078, 55.4849803 ], "taxo": {"espece":" Cossinia pinnata
What is wrong with my code ?
The right tool for this job is jq
jq -Rsn '
| . / "\n"
| (.[] | select(length > 0) | . / ";") as $input
| {"position": [$input[0], $input[1]], "taxo": {"espece": $input[2]}}]}
' <se.csv
emits, given your input:
"occurences": [
"position": [
"taxo": {
"espece": "Ruizia cordata"
"position": [
"taxo": {
"espece": "Cossinia pinnata"
By the way, a less-buggy version of your original script might look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
items=( )
while IFS=';' read -r lat long pos _; do
printf -v item '{ "position": [%s, %s], "taxo": {"espece": "%s"}}' "$lat" "$long" "$pos"
items+=( "$item" )
done <se.csv
printf '{"occurrences": [%s]}\n' "${items[*]}"
to pipe into a loop (and good reasons not to); thus, we're using a redirection (<
) to open the file directly as the loop's
can be passed a list of destination variables; there's thus no need to read into an array (or first to read into a string, and then to generate a heresting and to read from that into an array). The _
at the end ensures that extra columns are discarded (by putting them into the dummy variable named _
) rather than appended to pos
generates a string by concatenating elements of array
with the character in IFS
; we can thus use this to ensure that commas are present in the output only when they're needed.printf
is used in preference to echo
, as advised in the APPLICATION USAGE section of the specification for echo