I'm using REST-Assured to test some API. My API clearly respond with a JSON and according to the doc if this is the response:
"id": "390",
"data": {
"leagueId": 35,
"homeTeam": "Norway",
"visitingTeam": "England",
"odds": [{
"price": "1.30",
"name": "1"
"price": "5.25",
"name": "X"
I could test like this:
public void givenUrl_whenSuccessOnGetsResponseAndJsonHasRequiredKV_thenCorrect() {
.body("data.leagueId", equalTo(35));
Surely this is readable but I would a full comparison of the JSON (i.e.: this is the JSON response; this is a canned JSON - a resource file would be perfect - are those JSON equals?). Does REST-Assured offer something like that or I need to make it manually.
Use RestAssured's JsonPath to parse the json file into a Map and then compare it with Hamcrest Matchers. This way the order etc didn't matter.
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath;
JsonPath expectedJson = new JsonPath(new File("/path/to/expected.json"));
.body("", equalTo(expectedJson.getMap("")));