How to add a jar in Zeppelin for %hive interpreter?
I have tried
add jar <jar path>
Also zeppelin hive interpreter throws ClassNotFoundException
Adding to ./interpreter/hive/
throughs thrift exception while add jar
says file not found.
How to do it? I am trying to add jsonserde.jar by Amazon to parse DynamoDB imports.
The recommended way is using Zeppelin's Dependency Management
It can add jar file or maven artifact.
the dependency jar will be downloaded to local-repo.
NOTE: If the jar file is compiled from source, when you compile again, it will NOT be synchronised automatically(download again). You need go to
setting, click edit and OK will trigger another download to local-repo.
NOTE: If you use one scala version first, and compiled again with another version. It will report
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.runtimeMirror
. remove already downloaded jar withrm -rf local-repo/*
NOTE: z.dep is deprecated.