How to cross join unnest a JSON array in Presto

mark picture mark · Apr 29, 2015 · Viewed 22.5k times · Source

Given a table that contains a column of JSON like this:

{"payload":[{"type":"b","value":"9"}, {"type":"a","value":"8"}]}
{"payload":[{"type":"c","value":"7"}, {"type":"b","value":"3"}]}

How can I write a Presto query to give me the average b value across all entries?

So far I think I need to use something like Hive's lateral view explode, whose equivalent is cross join unnest in Presto.

But I'm stuck on how to write the Presto query for cross join unnest.

How can I use cross join unnest to expand all array elements and select them?


Davos picture Davos · Mar 6, 2018

Here's an example of that

with example(message) as (
(json '{"payload":[{"type":"b","value":"9"},{"type":"a","value":"8"}]}'),
(json '{"payload":[{"type":"c","value":"7"}, {"type":"b","value":"3"}]}')

FROM example
                    as ARRAY(ROW(type VARCHAR, value INTEGER))
                ) as x(n)
WHERE n.type = 'b'
GROUP BY n.type

with defines a common table expression (CTE) named example with a column aliased as message

VALUES returns a verbatim table rowset

UNNEST is taking an array within a column of a single row and returning the elements of the array as multiple rows.

CAST is changing the JSON type into an ARRAY type that is required for UNNEST. It could easily have been an ARRAY<MAP< but I find ARRAY(ROW( nicer as you can specify column names, and use dot notation in the select clause.

JSON_EXTRACT is using a jsonPath expression to return the array value of the payload key

avg() and group by should be familiar SQL.