I have a ZingChart (through cfchart) that has an external JSON styling file. How can I set font attributes, such as font-family, font-weight, font-size for all text in the chart, without setting it individually?
My JSON file so far:
"font-family":"Courier New",
"tooltip" : {
"text" : "Score of %v on %k",
"background-color" : "#ff9900"
I know that I can add it individually for, say, all scale-x "item"s":
But I want to add it for all text in the chart.
You can use CSS descendant selectors to do this. Use your chart div's id and the tspan element selector to apply font-family, font-weight, font-size, etc..., to all of the text elements in a chart. Example for a chart render at div id="zc":
#zc tspan { font-family: Comic Sans, Comic Sans MS, cursive !important;font-weight:bold !important;font-size:12px !important; }
Sorry for the confusion, here's a non-CSS solution:
Within your chart JSON object, place the "globals" object with the desired global attributes in the root level (same level as "graphset"):