I have an application with a client-side image map with multiple sections defined. I need to call a method in the Managed Bean from the <area>
onclick attribute.
This doesn't work:
<area id="ReviewPerson" shape="rect" coords="3, 21, 164, 37" href="#"
onclick="#{personBean.method}" alt="Review Person" id="reviewPersonArea"
title="Review Person" />
Since my hands are tied on the image map (unfortunately), how can I call a managed bean method from within the <area>
If you use primefaces, you don't need jquery. You use remoteCommand with a name attribute, and call that name from javascript, so:
<area... onclick="somejavascript();"... />
<p:remoteCommand name="myCommand" actionListener="#{personBean.method}" style="display: none;" />
function somejavascript(){