The representation of if-elseif-else in EL using JSF

Lion picture Lion · Nov 14, 2011 · Viewed 162.7k times · Source

The following JSF code contains two separate <c:if></c:if>. Let's look at it.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<html xmlns=""
        <title>JSF EL</title>

            <c:set scope="request" var="row" property="x" value="10"/>

            <c:if test="#{row==10}">
                <h:outputLabel value="value = 10"/>

            <c:if test="#{row==15}">
                <h:outputLabel value="value = 15"/>


It simply displays value=10 on the JSF page at run time. I need to represent the above same <c:if></c:if> with the following if-elseif-else (Java context).

    //Do something...(JSF stuff)
else if(row.equals(15))
    //Do something...(JSF stuff)
    //Do something...(JSF stuff)

How can it be represented with Expression Language (EL) using JSF?


Gustavo Ruiz picture Gustavo Ruiz · Aug 14, 2013

You can use EL if you want to work as IF:

<h:outputLabel value="#{row==10? '10' : '15'}"/>

Changing styles or classes:

style="#{test eq testMB.test? 'font-weight:bold' : 'font-weight:normal'}"

class="#{test eq testMB.test? 'divRred' : 'divGreen'}"