Pass parameters to messages from resource bundle to components other than **h:outputFormat**

Andrey picture Andrey · Apr 18, 2011 · Viewed 18.4k times · Source

Is there a convenient way to pass parameters to messages from resource bundle to components other than h:outputFormat?

For instance, this is legal:

<h:outputFormat value="#{myBundle['parametricMessage']}">
    <f:param value="#{myBundle['someParameterValue']}"/>

But I need it for a button, like this (which won't work):

<h:commandButton value="#{myBundle['parametricMessage']}">
    <f:param value="#{myBundle['someParameterValue']}"/>

Of course, I can use link instead of button, and I can make it through a property in a managed bean, but in this question I'm seeking for a convenient way to use the button...

I'm using RichFaces 3.3.3, JSF2, facelets.


Ken Chan picture Ken Chan · Apr 20, 2011

How about this approach ?

EL expression allow you to define a function .You first define a EL expression 's function , which accepts a resource bundle , its message key and placeholder 's parameter and output the resolved message .

public static String geti18nMsg(ResourceBundle bundle ,String msgKey, String paramValue ) {
    String  msgValue = bundle.getString(msgKey);
    MessageFormat   messageFormat = new MessageFormat(msgValue);
    Object[] args = {paramValue};
    return messageFormat.format(args);

Then call this function to get the resolved message in the <h:commandButton> :

<h:commandButton value="#{f:geti18nMsg(myBundle , parametricMessage, someParameterValue)}"/>