How to pass selected value as parameter for passing in a4j:support

Anand picture Anand · Feb 8, 2011 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

I have one <h:selectOneMenu> inside that <a4j:support> is written. I have to pass the currently selected value through <a4j:support> as a parameter to action. How can I do this?


 <rich:dataTable value="#{factoryCollectionOfUsers}" var="foo">
 <h:selectOneMenu name="role">
                           var="role" label="#{role}"
                           noSelectionLabel="Please select" />
                        <a4j:support event="onchange" ajaxSingle="true"
                        <s:convertEnum />



Ken Chan picture Ken Chan · Feb 10, 2011

You can pass the parameters from JSF page to the backing beans 's action method using the Method expression (For JSF 2.0) ,or <f:param> ,or <f:attribute> , or f:setPropertyActionListener .

You can refer to for reference.