How to retrieve a session scoped managed bean in a PhaseListener?

andreaxi picture andreaxi · Sep 15, 2012 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

I'm having troubles in setting an Authorization Listener (that implements PhaseListener) to manage authentication and autorization.

More specifically, I set a session scoped bean called SessionBean:

public class SessionBean{

   private String loggedUser;

   public SessionBean(){"Sono nel costruttore di SessionBean()");
   public String login(){

And in my sun-web.xml:


In login() I make controls on username/password and if successful I set "loggedUser".

My AuthorizationListener is:

public class AuthorizationListener implements PhaseListener {

    private String currentUser;

    private SessionBean sessionBean;

    public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) {
        SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean)event.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("SessionBean");
        String currentUser = sessionBean.getLoggedUser();

        if (sessionBean != null) {
               String currentUser = sessionBean.getLoggedUser();
            else {


And in the sun-web.xml:

 <!-- Authentication and authorization block starting -->
  <!-- Authentication and authorization block ending -->

But I receive a null pointe sessionBean.getLoggedUser(). So, the SessionBean is still not created when the AuthorizationListener check the user. This is why I added a "if SessionBean doesn't exists, create it and put it in SessionMap", but still not working.

I'm not forced to use this approach for authentication and authorization, but what I need is to avoid "session.setAttribute("username", username). So any other strategy would be really apreciated. Thanks, Andrea

EDIT: as BalusC suggested, I edited the afterPhase method. Still having troubles with always null SessionBean.


BalusC picture BalusC · Sep 15, 2012

The @ManagedProperty works in @ManagedBean classes only. Your PhaseListener isn't.

You need to manually get it from the session map.

SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean) event.getFacesContext()

Note that it can be still null on the very first HTTP request.

The common approach, however, is to use a servlet Filter for the job, not a PhaseListener. The session scoped managed bean is available as a session attribute.

SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean) session.getAttribute("sessionBean");