I'm basically trying to load in one random flickr image taken from a specific user and specific set which then gets displayed within a div with the id of 'flickr-wrap'. I'm trying to manipulate this JSON code to do what I want but haven't a clue where to start. This code currently loads in lots of images (I just want one to load in) and uses tags (but I want user and sets instead), could anyone help me out?
id: "51997044@N03",
tagmode: "any",
format: "json" },
function(data) {
$("<img/>").attr({src: data.items[0].media.m.replace('_m.','.')}).appendTo("#flickr-wrap");
I've stopped the loop which is great and have now updated the above code to pull in the photo set.gne instead of the public.gne, and have slightly changed how I call in the photoset by removing some lines of code. Now all I need to do is pull in a random image from that set. Here's what ive got so far:
function(data) {
$("<img/>").attr({src: data.items[0].media.m.replace('_m.','.')}).appendTo("#flickr-wrap");
Still haven't got the random thing to work yet. Most annoying. Could really use some help here. Desperate!
is the array of your images, so just get the first one and don't iterate over the array.
Instead of
$.each(data.items, function(i,item){...}
$("<img/>").attr({src: data.items[0].media.m.replace('_m.','.')}).appendTo("#flickr-wrap");