I am trying to prevent the users of a system to not press the “Submit” button twice within Oracle ApEx but am unsure how to target the following code using jQuery, i.e.:
<a href="javascript:doSubmit('MY_SUBMIT')">
<img border="0" id="MS_BTN" alt="Submit Request" src="submit_btn.gif">
I basically want to make sure that all required form validation has passed and when the user presses the “Submit” button, I would like to somehow hide the button immediately after it has been pressed.
I have tried the following code as I cannot use the src value, i.e.:
But this did not work.
How can I add this button to an onclick event and basically hide this button from the user on the successful initial click?
Here's an example how to do this with jQuery:
<a id="mySubmit" href="#">
<img border="0" alt="Submit Request" src="submit_btn.gif">
Code (run after document has loaded):
$("#mySubmit").click(function(event) {
// do other stuff here
And, a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/CtpLU/
Or, you could do it with only the image and no <a>
tag like this:
<img id="mySubmit" border="0" alt="Submit Request" src="submit_btn.gif">
$("#mySubmit").click(function(event) {
// do other stuff here
Other possible solutions besides hiding the button are: