how to set date input data-options using jquery

Bader picture Bader · Nov 21, 2011 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I am using JQuery-Mobile datebox , and I want to set date input data-options using JQuery


my question is : how to set date input data-options using jquery ?

input code :

                data-options='{"mode": "calbox" }' />


Fr&#233;d&#233;ric Hamidi picture Frédéric Hamidi · Nov 21, 2011

The datebox plugin internally relies on data() to parse the data-options attribute, so you can use its setter form instead of creating an explicit attribute:

$("#mydate").data("options", {
    mode: "calbox",
    highDates: ["2011-11-02", "2011-11-03"],
    highDatesAlt: ["2011-11-09", "2011-11-10"],
    pickPageOAHighButtonTheme: "b"

Do not forget to refresh the widget afterwards if it's already been created:


EDIT: Unfortunately, the code above won't work if the datebox widget was automatically created by the mobile framework on page load (since the data-options attribute is only parsed once). To work around that problem, you can use the options method:

$("#jqmdb").datebox("option", {
    mode: "calbox",
    highDatesAlt: ["2011-11-09", "2011-11-10"],
    highDates: ["2011-11-02", "2011-11-03"],
    pickPageOAHighButtonTheme: "b"

In that case, however, you have to specify highDatesAlt before highDates, or the former will be ignored.

I updated your fiddle here.