How can i clear the ckeditor textarea with jquery at the click of a button/link?
I have tried this : $("textarea.editor").val('');
and $("textarea.editor1").val('');
i tried with the 1 at the end because of this line when init the editor $ckeditor->editor('editor1', $nDetails);
in PHP
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
// Helper function for this sample file.
function printNotFound( $ver )
static $warned;
if (!empty($warned))
echo '<p><br><strong><span class="error">Error</span>: '.$ver.' not found</strong>. ' .
'This sample assumes that '.$ver.' (not included with CKFinder) is installed in ' .
'the "ckeditor" sibling folder of the CKFinder installation folder. If you have it installed in ' .
'a different place, just edit this file, changing the wrong paths in the include ' .
'(line 57) and the "basePath" values (line 70).</p>' ;
$warned = true;
include_once '../ckeditor/ckeditor.php' ;
require_once '../ckfinder/ckfinder.php' ;
// This is a check for the CKEditor class. If not defined, the paths in lines 57 and 70 must be checked.
if (!class_exists('CKEditor'))
$initialValue = $pageContent;
$ckeditor = new CKEditor( ) ;
$ckeditor->basePath = '../ckeditor/' ;
// Just call CKFinder::SetupCKEditor before calling editor(), replace() or replaceAll()
// in CKEditor. The second parameter (optional), is the path for the
// CKFinder installation (default = "/ckfinder/").
CKFinder::SetupCKEditor( $ckeditor, '/ckfinder/' ) ;
$ckeditor->editor('editor1', $nDetails);
Where editor1 is the id of your CKEDITOR field