How can I load a reCaptcha form using jQuery/AJAX while leaving the reCaptcha scripts in place?

eSentrik picture eSentrik · Aug 31, 2011 · Viewed 31k times · Source

I load my contact form into my page with JQuery/AJAX.

The contact form contains the reCaptcha scripts.

Unfortunately, JQuery removes the script tags before inserting them into my page. These script tags are needed because they output the captcha. now my loaded form has no captcha.


benck picture benck · Aug 31, 2011

The link has all you need:

You can't add the script in ajax. You should add the following line before :

  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Then, you can dynamically create a recaptcha form in your js code by using adding the following code:

      theme: "red",
      callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field