I want to know how can I use JQuery in order to replace the content attribute of my Facebook meta tags.
I searched StackOverflow and what I've found was this example:
$("meta[property=og:title]").attr("content", title);
$("meta[property=og:url]").attr("content", url);
In my code I have the following meta tags:
<meta property="og:title" content="some content"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="some content"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="some content"/>
When I run the function that should change the content for the 'title' and 'url' variables, the change doesn't take place. The same values for the 'content' still remains the same.
I want to know how, if it's possible, to use JQuery to change the value of Facebook's meta tags.
This is how it worked for me:
$('meta[name=og\\:url]').attr('content', newVideoUrl);
note the double backslash, without it Jquery will fail with an error.