Jquery how to find an Object by attribute in an Array

Jesper Rønn-Jensen picture Jesper Rønn-Jensen · Apr 7, 2011 · Viewed 118.6k times · Source

Given I have an array of "purpose" objects:

//array of purpose objects:
var purposeObjects = [
    {purpose: "daily"},
    {purpose: "weekly"},
    {purpose: "monthly"}

(for simplicity i am omitting other attributes)

Now I want to have a method that returns a specific one of the objects if a matching purpose name is found.

This is not working:

function findPurpose(purposeName){
    return $.grep(purposeObjects, function(){
      return this.purpose == purposeName;


but it actually returns an empty array:


I am using JQuery 1.5.2. I have also tried with $.each() but with no luck. Apparently, most JQuery methods are designed for usage with DOM elements (such as filter().

Any ideas on how to achieve this?


Luca Fagioli picture Luca Fagioli · Apr 2, 2013

No need for jQuery.

JavaScript arrays have a find method, so you can achieve that in one line:

array.find((o) => { return o[propertyName] === propertyValue }


const purposeObjects = [
    {purpose: "daily"},
    {purpose: "weekly"},
    {purpose: "monthly"}

purposeObjects.find((o) => { return o["purpose"] === "weekly" }

// output -> {purpose: "weekly"}

If you need IE compatibility, import this polyfill in your code.