jQuery: Fire mousemove events less often

Topher Fangio picture Topher Fangio · Jan 10, 2011 · Viewed 12.6k times · Source

I'm trying to figure out a clean way to aggregate mousemove events so that I ensure my code gets called, but only once every 250-300 milliseconds.

I've thought about using something like the following, but was wondering if there was a better pattern, or something jQuery provides that will do the same thing:

var mousemove_timeout = null;

$('body').mousemove(function() {
  if (mousemove_timeout == null) {
    mousemove_timeout = window.setTimeout(myFunction, 250);

function myFunction() {
   * Run my code...

  mousemove_timeout = null;

EDIT: The accepted answer below would work perfectly for this situation, however, I found that the mousestop() functionality provided in the answer actually eliminated my need for the aggregation, so if you're reading this question and looking for an answer, see if the mousestop plugin is what you really need!


Ethan picture Ethan · Jan 5, 2012

After I tried the solution in the accepted answer, I found out that if the mouse keep moving constantly, especially in circular motion, mousemove() event is fired continuously, but the mouse coordinates remain the same. So I came up with a simpler solution which eliminates mousestop() and setTimeout.

$("body").mousemove(function (e) {
        if (enableHandler) {
            enableHandler = false;

timer = window.setInterval(function(){
    enableHandler = true;
}, 100);

This will correctly call handleMouseMove() approximately every 100ms. (Note that I said approximately because time delays and intervals in JavaScript is not real-time guaranteed)