jQuery: PrettyPhoto API isn't working

cusspvz picture cusspvz · Nov 24, 2010 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

i'm trying to use prettyPhoto API, but firebug says that $.prettyPhoto.open() isn't a function and don't work...

CODE: http://jsbin.com/ihuje3/3/edit

     $.prettyPhoto.open('http://www.microdual.com/assets/images/newsletters/doublehosting.jpg','Test','Test desc');


Nick Craver picture Nick Craver · Nov 24, 2010

You have to setup prettyPhoto first (because of how the plugin is written, unfortunately), like this:

  $.fn.prettyPhoto(); //usually $("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto();
  $.prettyPhoto.open('http://www.microdual.com/assets/images/newsletters/doublehosting.jpg','Test','Test desc');

You can see in the source that functions like $.prettyPhoto.open() are defined by running `$.

The other issue is the plugin seems to have an issue with caller context introduced in jQuery 1.4.4, it works fine with 1.4.3 (you can test it here). This has been reported on the forums, hopefully the author will address it soon. ​