I have a pretty complex image map that I would like to shrink by half. To do so would require dividing all the coord values by 2. Since there are thousands of coord values, I was thinking that I could use jQuery to traverse the DOM to find the coord values, and divide them by two. I'm pretty amateur when it comes to JavaScript and jQuery and I wrote the following code that doesn't work to accomplish my task:
coord_vals= $('area'[coords]).split(',');
new_vals= coord_vals/2;
$('area'[coords]).val(new_vals + ',');
Here's the first few lines of HTML I'm trying to traverse:
<div id="map">
<img class="map" src="images/us_map.jpg" width="960" height="593" usemap="#usa">
<map name="usa">
<area href="#" title="SC" shape="poly" coords="735,418, 734,419, 731,418, 731,416, 729,413, 727,411, 725,410, 723,405, 720,399, 716,398, 714,396, 713,393, 711,391, 709,390, 707,387, 704,385, 699,383, 699,382, 697,379, 696,378, 693,373, 690,373, 686,371, 684,369, 684,368, 685,366, 687,365, 687,363, 693,360, 701,356, 708,355, 724,355, 727,356, 728,360, 732,359, 745,358, 747,358, 760,366, 769,374, 764,379, 762,385, 761,391, 759,392, 758,394, 756,395, 754,398, 751,401, 749,404, 748,405, 744,408, 741,409, 742,412, 737,417, 735,418"></area>
<area href="#" title="HI" shape="poly" coords="225,521, 227,518, 229,517, 229,518, 227,521, 225,521"></area>
<area href="#" title="HI" shape="poly" coords="235,518, 241,520, 243,520, 244,516, 244,513, 240,512, 236,514, 235,518"></area>
You can do it like this:
$("area").each(function() {
var pairs = $(this).attr("coords").split(', ');
for(var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) {
var nums = pairs[i].split(',');
for(var j=0; j<nums.length; j++) {
nums[j] = parseFloat(nums[j]) /2;
pairs[i] = nums.join(',');
$(this).attr("coords", pairs.join(', '));
This maintains the formats and converts each valid carefully, here's the output:
<div id="map">
<img class="map" src="images/us_map.jpg" width="960" height="593" usemap="#usa">
<map name="usa">
<area href="#" title="SC" shape="poly" coords="367.5,209, 367,209.5, 365.5,209, 365.5,208, 364.5,206.5, 363.5,205.5, 362.5,205, 361.5,202.5, 360,199.5, 358,199, 357,198, 356.5,196.5, 355.5,195.5, 354.5,195, 353.5,193.5, 352,192.5, 349.5,191.5, 349.5,191, 348.5,189.5, 348,189, 346.5,186.5, 345,186.5, 343,185.5, 342,184.5, 342,184, 342.5,183, 343.5,182.5, 343.5,181.5, 346.5,180, 350.5,178, 354,177.5, 362,177.5, 363.5,178, 364,180, 366,179.5, 372.5,179, 373.5,179, 380,183, 384.5,187, 382,189.5, 381,192.5, 380.5,195.5, 379.5,196, 379,197, 378,197.5, 377,199, 375.5,200.5, 374.5,202, 374,202.5, 372,204, 370.5,204.5, 371,206, 368.5,208.5, 367.5,209">
<area href="#" title="HI" shape="poly" coords="112.5,260.5, 113.5,259, 114.5,258.5, 114.5,259, 113.5,260.5, 112.5,260.5">
<area href="#" title="HI" shape="poly" coords="117.5,259, 120.5,260, 121.5,260, 122,258, 122,256.5, 120,256, 118,257, 117.5,259">