jqGrid horizontal scrollbar

dskarataev picture dskarataev · Jun 22, 2010 · Viewed 70.6k times · Source

I developed AJAX interface with jQuery and jqGrid.

How I can remove horizontal scrollbar from my jqGrid table?


If I set autowidth: true, then I get width of table = sum width of columns, but I need width of table = width of parent element with id returned by function getSelectedTabHref()

so I make function:

$(window).bind('resize', function() {

and here is how I create jqGrid table:

  datatype: 'local',
  colModel :[
    {name:'taskId', index:'taskId', width:1, align:'right'},
    {name:'taskAdded', index:'taskAdded', width:3},
    {name:'taskOperator', index:'taskOperator', width:4},
    {name:'taskClient', index:'taskClient', width:7},
    {name:'taskManager', index:'taskManager', width:4},
    {name:'taskDesc', index:'taskDesc', width:8}]


Herman van der Blom picture Herman van der Blom · Feb 8, 2011

i adjusted ui.grid.css because i did not need a horizontal scrollbar at all. i did this:

.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-bdiv {
  position: relative; 
  margin: 0em; 
  /*overflow: auto;*/ 

the commented was how it was, i just used overflow-x to hide the horizontal scrollbar and now all is fine with me.