highlight menu on scrolling (if reach div)

fab picture fab · Dec 22, 2014 · Viewed 26k times · Source

i want highlight the menu point if the div is scrolled // or clicked.

http://jsfiddle.net/WeboGraph/vu6hN/2/ (thats an example what i want)

my code: (JS)

      $('nav a').on('click', function(event) {

      $(window).on('scroll', function() {
          $('.target').each(function() {
              if($(window).scrollTop() >= $(this).position().top) {
                  var id = $(this).attr('id');
                  $('nav a').removeClass('active_underlined');
                  $('nav a[href=#'+ id +']').addClass('active_underlined');

my (html nav)

           <div id="cssmenu">
              <ul id="horizontalmenu" class="underlinemenu">
                  <li><a data-scroll href="#fdesigns"  class="active_underlined">FDesigns</a> </li>
                  <li><a data-scroll href="#skills">skills</a> </li>
                  <li><a data-scroll href="#workflow">WORKFLOW</a> </li>
                  <li><a data-scroll href="#portfolio">Portfolio</a> </li>
                  <li><a data-scroll href="#about">About</a> </li>
                  <li><a data-scroll href="#kontakt">Kontakt</a> </li>

my (css)

.active_underlined a {
  color: #fff;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #ebebeb;

a.active_underlined {
  color: #fff;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #ebebeb;

here a link to the project: http://www.f-designs.de/test_onesite


Gaurav Kalyan picture Gaurav Kalyan · Dec 23, 2014

Use $(this).offset().top instead of $(this).position().top


As .position() get the current coordinates of the first element in the set of matched elements, relative to the offset parent whereas .offset() get the current coordinates of the first element in the set of matched elements, relative to the document.

In your website all the DIV with class inside .target are inside therefore all the element of class .target are returning the value .position().top equal to 0.

Decrease the offset value so that the class change when element reach the menu by making the if condition like this:

if($(window).scrollTop() >= $(this).offset().top - $("#cssmenu").height())