I am trying to integrate the mmenu to a mobile website I am currently developing with jQuery and jQuery Mobile but I cant seem to make it run even with the most basic code as explained in the documentation.
Here is my entire code index.html:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="mmenu.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.mmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
searchfield : true,
counters : true
<div> <!-- the wrapper -->
<nav id="navig">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/about/">About us</a></li>
<li><a href="/contact/">Contact</a></li>
<div id="header">
<h4>Header Title</h4>
<div id="content">
<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>
<div id="footer">
<span><a href="#contact">Contact</a></span>
An interesting note is that while looking in the src folder, I did not see a file called just "mmenu.css" but I found jquery.mmenu.css, which I assumed was the one to be included and then I renamed it to mmenu.css and included it.
This is the output I get while opening index.html
Header Title
Lorem Ipsum
Does anybody know why I cant run it? Yes, I've read the whole documentation and tried a bunch of different things, but nothing seems to run.
Thank you very much in advance!
EDIT: jquery.mmenu.js :
* jQuery mmenu v4.1.8
* @requires jQuery 1.7.0 or later
* mmenu.frebsite.nl
* Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen
* www.frebsite.nl
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License
(function( $ ) {
var _PLUGIN_ = 'mmenu',
_VERSION_ = '4.1.8';
// Plugin already excists
if ( $[ _PLUGIN_ ] )
// Global variables
var glbl = {
$wndw: null,
$html: null,
$body: null,
$page: null,
$blck: null,
$allMenus: null,
$scrollTopNode: null
var _c = {}, _e = {}, _d = {},
_serialnr = 0;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ] = function( $menu, opts, conf )
glbl.$allMenus = glbl.$allMenus.add( $menu );
this.$menu = $menu;
this.opts = opts
this.conf = conf;
this.serialnr = _serialnr++;
return this;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].prototype = {
open: function()
return 'open';
_openSetup: function()
// Find scrolltop
var _scrollTop = findScrollTop();
// Set opened
this.$menu.addClass( _c.current );
// Close others
glbl.$allMenus.not( this.$menu ).trigger( _e.close );
// Store style and position
.data( _d.style, glbl.$page.attr( 'style' ) || '' )
.data( _d.scrollTop, _scrollTop )
.data( _d.offetLeft, glbl.$page.offset().left );
// Resize page to window width
var _w = 0;
.off( _e.resize )
.on( _e.resize,
function( e, force )
if ( force || glbl.$html.hasClass( _c.opened ) )
var nw = glbl.$wndw.width();
if ( nw != _w )
_w = nw;
glbl.$page.width( nw - glbl.$page.data( _d.offetLeft ) );
.trigger( _e.resize, [ true ] );
// Prevent tabbing out of the menu
if ( this.conf.preventTabbing )
.off( _e.keydown )
.on( _e.keydown,
function( e )
if ( e.keyCode == 9 )
return false;
// Add options
if ( this.opts.modal )
glbl.$html.addClass( _c.modal );
if ( this.opts.moveBackground )
glbl.$html.addClass( _c.background );
if ( this.opts.position != 'left' )
glbl.$html.addClass( _c.mm( this.opts.position ) );
if ( this.opts.zposition != 'back' )
glbl.$html.addClass( _c.mm( this.opts.zposition ) );
if ( this.opts.classes )
glbl.$html.addClass( this.opts.classes );
// Open
glbl.$html.addClass( _c.opened );
this.$menu.addClass( _c.opened );
// Scroll page to scrolltop
glbl.$page.scrollTop( _scrollTop );
// Scroll menu to top
this.$menu.scrollTop( 0 );
_openFinish: function()
var that = this;
// Callback
transitionend( glbl.$page,
that.$menu.trigger( _e.opened );
}, this.conf.transitionDuration
// Opening
glbl.$html.addClass( _c.opening );
this.$menu.trigger( _e.opening );
// Scroll window to top
window.scrollTo( 0, 1 );
close: function()
var that = this;
// Callback
transitionend( glbl.$page,
.removeClass( _c.current )
.removeClass( _c.opened );
.removeClass( _c.opened )
.removeClass( _c.modal )
.removeClass( _c.background )
.removeClass( _c.mm( that.opts.position ) )
.removeClass( _c.mm( that.opts.zposition ) );
if ( that.opts.classes )
glbl.$html.removeClass( that.opts.classes );
.off( _e.resize )
.off( _e.keydown );
// Restore style and position
glbl.$page.attr( 'style', glbl.$page.data( _d.style ) );
if ( glbl.$scrollTopNode )
glbl.$scrollTopNode.scrollTop( glbl.$page.data( _d.scrollTop ) );
// Closed
that.$menu.trigger( _e.closed );
}, this.conf.transitionDuration
// Closing
glbl.$html.removeClass( _c.opening );
this.$menu.trigger( _e.closing );
return 'close';
_init: function()
this.opts = extendOptions( this.opts, this.conf, this.$menu );
this.direction = ( this.opts.slidingSubmenus ) ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
this._initPage( glbl.$page );
if ( $[ _PLUGIN_ ].addons )
for ( var a = 0; a < $[ _PLUGIN_ ].addons.length; a++ )
if ( typeof this[ '_addon_' + $[ _PLUGIN_ ].addons[ a ] ] == 'function' )
this[ '_addon_' + $[ _PLUGIN_ ].addons[ a ] ]();
_bindCustomEvents: function()
var that = this;
.off( _e.open + ' ' + _e.close + ' ' + _e.setPage+ ' ' + _e.update )
.on( _e.open + ' ' + _e.close + ' ' + _e.setPage+ ' ' + _e.update,
function( e )
// Menu-events
.on( _e.open,
function( e )
if ( $(this).hasClass( _c.current ) )
return false;
return that.open();
.on( _e.close,
function( e )
if ( !$(this).hasClass( _c.current ) )
return false;
return that.close();
.on( _e.setPage,
function( e, $p )
that._initPage( $p );
// Panel-events
var $panels = this.$menu.find( this.opts.isMenu && this.direction != 'horizontal' ? 'ul, ol' : '.' + _c.panel );
.off( _e.toggle + ' ' + _e.open + ' ' + _e.close )
.on( _e.toggle + ' ' + _e.open + ' ' + _e.close,
function( e )
if ( this.direction == 'horizontal' )
.on( _e.open,
function( e )
return openSubmenuHorizontal( $(this), that.$menu );
.on( _e.toggle,
function( e )
var $t = $(this);
return $t.triggerHandler( $t.parent().hasClass( _c.opened ) ? _e.close : _e.open );
.on( _e.open,
function( e )
$(this).parent().addClass( _c.opened );
return 'open';
.on( _e.close,
function( e )
$(this).parent().removeClass( _c.opened );
return 'close';
_initBlocker: function()
var that = this;
if ( !glbl.$blck )
glbl.$blck = $( '<div id="' + _c.blocker + '" />' )
.css( 'opacity', 0 )
.appendTo( glbl.$body );
.off( _e.touchstart )
.on( _e.touchstart,
function( e )
glbl.$blck.trigger( _e.mousedown );
.on( _e.mousedown,
function( e )
if ( !glbl.$html.hasClass( _c.modal ) )
that.$menu.trigger( _e.close );
_initPage: function( $p )
if ( !$p )
$p = $(this.conf.pageSelector, glbl.$body);
if ( $p.length > 1 )
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug( 'Multiple nodes found for the page-node, all nodes are wrapped in one <' + this.conf.pageNodetype + '>.' );
$p = $p.wrapAll( '<' + this.conf.pageNodetype + ' />' ).parent();
$p.addClass( _c.page );
glbl.$page = $p;
_initMenu: function()
var that = this;
// Clone if needed
if ( this.conf.clone )
this.$menu = this.$menu.clone( true );
this.$menu.add( this.$menu.find( '*' ) ).filter( '[id]' ).each(
$(this).attr( 'id', _c.mm( $(this).attr( 'id' ) ) );
// Strip whitespace
if ( $(this)[ 0 ].nodeType == 3 )
// Prepend to body
.prependTo( 'body' )
.addClass( _c.menu );
// Add direction class
this.$menu.addClass( _c.mm( this.direction ) );
// Add options classes
if ( this.opts.classes )
this.$menu.addClass( this.opts.classes );
if ( this.opts.isMenu )
this.$menu.addClass( _c.ismenu );
if ( this.opts.position != 'left' )
this.$menu.addClass( _c.mm( this.opts.position ) );
if ( this.opts.zposition != 'back' )
this.$menu.addClass( _c.mm( this.opts.zposition ) );
_initPanles: function()
var that = this;
// Refactor List class
this.__refactorClass( $('.' + this.conf.listClass, this.$menu), 'list' );
// Add List class
if ( this.opts.isMenu )
$('ul, ol', this.$menu)
.not( '.mm-nolist' )
.addClass( _c.list );
var $lis = $('.' + _c.list + ' > li', this.$menu);
// Refactor Selected class
this.__refactorClass( $lis.filter( '.' + this.conf.selectedClass ), 'selected' );
// Refactor Label class
this.__refactorClass( $lis.filter( '.' + this.conf.labelClass ), 'label' );
// Refactor Spacer class
this.__refactorClass( $lis.filter( '.' + this.conf.spacerClass ), 'spacer' );
// setSelected-event
.off( _e.setSelected )
.on( _e.setSelected,
function( e, selected )
$lis.removeClass( _c.selected );
if ( typeof selected != 'boolean' )
selected = true;
if ( selected )
$(this).addClass( _c.selected );
// Refactor Panel class
this.__refactorClass( $('.' + this.conf.panelClass, this.$menu), 'panel' );
// Add Panel class
.filter( this.conf.panelNodetype )
.add( this.$menu.find( '.' + _c.list ).children().children().filter( this.conf.panelNodetype ) )
.addClass( _c.panel );
var $panels = $('.' + _c.panel, this.$menu);
// Add an ID to all panels
function( i )
var $t = $(this),
id = $t.attr( 'id' ) || _c.mm( 'm' + that.serialnr + '-p' + i );
$t.attr( 'id', id );
// Add open and close links to menu items
.find( '.' + _c.panel )
function( i )
var $t = $(this),
$u = $t.is( 'ul, ol' ) ? $t : $t.find( 'ul ,ol' ).first(),
$l = $t.parent(),
$a = $l.find( '> a, > span' ),
$p = $l.closest( '.' + _c.panel );
$t.data( _d.parent, $l );
if ( $l.parent().is( '.' + _c.list ) )
var $btn = $( '<a class="' + _c.subopen + '" href="#' + $t.attr( 'id' ) + '" />' ).insertBefore( $a );
if ( !$a.is( 'a' ) )
$btn.addClass( _c.fullsubopen );
if ( that.direction == 'horizontal' )
$u.prepend( '<li class="' + _c.subtitle + '"><a class="' + _c.subclose + '" href="#' + $p.attr( 'id' ) + '">' + $a.text() + '</a></li>' );
// Link anchors to panels
var evt = this.direction == 'horizontal' ? _e.open : _e.toggle;
function( i )
var $opening = $(this),
id = $opening.attr( 'id' );
$('a[href="#' + id + '"]', that.$menu)
.off( _e.click )
.on( _e.click,
function( e )
$opening.trigger( evt );
if ( this.direction == 'horizontal' )
// Add opened-classes
var $selected = $('.' + _c.list + ' > li.' + _c.selected, this.$menu);
.add( $selected.parents( 'li' ) )
.parents( 'li' ).removeClass( _c.selected )
var $t = $(this),
$u = $t.find( '> .' + _c.panel );
if ( $u.length )
$t.parents( '.' + _c.panel ).addClass( _c.subopened );
$u.addClass( _c.opened );
.closest( '.' + _c.panel ).addClass( _c.opened )
.parents( '.' + _c.panel ).addClass( _c.subopened );
// Replace Selected-class with opened-class in parents from .Selected
$('li.' + _c.selected, this.$menu)
.addClass( _c.opened )
.parents( '.' + _c.selected ).removeClass( _c.selected );
// Set current opened
var $current = $panels.filter( '.' + _c.opened );
if ( !$current.length )
$current = $panels.first();
.addClass( _c.opened )
.addClass( _c.current );
// Rearrange markup
if ( this.direction == 'horizontal' )
$panels.find( '.' + _c.panel ).appendTo( this.$menu );
_initLinks: function()
var that = this;
$('.' + _c.list + ' > li > a', this.$menu)
.not( '.' + _c.subopen )
.not( '.' + _c.subclose )
.not( '[rel="external"]' )
.not( '[target="_blank"]' )
.off( _e.click )
.on( _e.click,
function( e )
var $t = $(this),
href = $t.attr( 'href' );
// Set selected item
if ( that.__valueOrFn( that.opts.onClick.setSelected, $t ) )
$t.parent().trigger( _e.setSelected );
// Prevent default / don't follow link. Default: false
var preventDefault = that.__valueOrFn( that.opts.onClick.preventDefault, $t, href.slice( 0, 1 ) == '#' );
if ( preventDefault )
// Block UI. Default: false if preventDefault, true otherwise
if ( that.__valueOrFn( that.opts.onClick.blockUI, $t, !preventDefault ) )
glbl.$html.addClass( _c.blocking );
// Close menu. Default: true if preventDefault, false otherwise
if ( that.__valueOrFn( that.opts.onClick.close, $t, preventDefault ) )
that.$menu.triggerHandler( _e.close );
_initOpenClose: function()
var that = this;
// Open menu
var id = this.$menu.attr( 'id' );
if ( id && id.length )
if ( this.conf.clone )
id = _c.umm( id );
$('a[href="#' + id + '"]')
.off( _e.click )
.on( _e.click,
function( e )
that.$menu.trigger( _e.open );
// Close menu
var id = glbl.$page.attr( 'id' );
if ( id && id.length )
$('a[href="#' + id + '"]')
.off( _e.click )
.on( _e.click,
function( e )
that.$menu.trigger( _e.close );
__valueOrFn: function( o, $e, d )
if ( typeof o == 'function' )
return o.call( $e[ 0 ] );
if ( typeof o == 'undefined' && typeof d != 'undefined' )
return d;
return o;
__refactorClass: function( $e, c )
$e.removeClass( this.conf[ c + 'Class' ] ).addClass( _c[ c ] );
$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ] = function( opts, conf )
// First time plugin is fired
if ( !glbl.$wndw )
// Extend options
opts = extendOptions( opts, conf );
conf = extendConfiguration( conf );
return this.each(
var $menu = $(this);
if ( $menu.data( _PLUGIN_ ) )
$menu.data( _PLUGIN_, new $[ _PLUGIN_ ]( $menu, opts, conf ) );
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].version = _VERSION_;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaults = {
position : 'left',
zposition : 'back',
moveBackground : true,
slidingSubmenus : true,
modal : false,
classes : '',
onClick : {
// close : true,
// blockUI : null,
// preventDefault : null,
setSelected : true
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].configuration = {
preventTabbing : true,
panelClass : 'Panel',
listClass : 'List',
selectedClass : 'Selected',
labelClass : 'Label',
spacerClass : 'Spacer',
pageNodetype : 'div',
panelNodetype : 'ul, ol, div',
transitionDuration : 400
(function() {
var wd = window.document,
ua = window.navigator.userAgent,
ds = document.createElement( 'div' ).style;
var _touch = 'ontouchstart' in wd,
_overflowscrolling = 'WebkitOverflowScrolling' in wd.documentElement.style,
_oldAndroidBrowser = (function() {
if ( ua.indexOf( 'Android' ) >= 0 )
return 2.4 > parseFloat( ua.slice( ua.indexOf( 'Android' ) +8 ) );
return false;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].support = {
touch: _touch,
oldAndroidBrowser: _oldAndroidBrowser,
overflowscrolling: (function() {
if ( !_touch )
return true;
if ( _overflowscrolling )
return true;
if ( _oldAndroidBrowser )
return false;
return true;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].useOverflowScrollingFallback = function( use )
if ( glbl.$html )
if ( typeof use == 'boolean' )
glbl.$html[ use ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( _c.nooverflowscrolling );
return glbl.$html.hasClass( _c.nooverflowscrolling );
_useOverflowScrollingFallback = use;
return use;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug = function( msg ) {};
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].deprecated = function( depr, repl )
if ( typeof console != 'undefined' && typeof console.warn != 'undefined' )
console.warn( 'MMENU: ' + depr + ' is deprecated, use ' + repl + ' instead.' );
// Global vars
var _useOverflowScrollingFallback = !$[ _PLUGIN_ ].support.overflowscrolling;
function extendOptions( o, c, $m )
if ( typeof o != 'object' )
o = {};
if ( $m )
if ( typeof o.isMenu != 'boolean' )
var $c = $m.children();
o.isMenu = ( $c.length == 1 && $c.is( c.panelNodetype ) );
return o;
// Extend onClick
if ( typeof o.onClick != 'object' )
o.onClick = {};
if ( typeof o.onClick.setLocationHref != 'undefined' )
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].deprecated( 'onClick.setLocationHref option', '!onClick.preventDefault' );
if ( typeof o.onClick.setLocationHref == 'boolean' )
o.onClick.preventDefault = !o.onClick.setLocationHref;
// Extend from defaults
o = $.extend( true, {}, $[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaults, o );
// Degration
if ( $[ _PLUGIN_ ].useOverflowScrollingFallback() )
switch( o.position )
case 'top':
case 'right':
case 'bottom':
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug( 'position: "' + o.position + '" not supported when using the overflowScrolling-fallback.' );
o.position = 'left';
switch( o.zposition )
case 'front':
case 'next':
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug( 'z-position: "' + o.zposition + '" not supported when using the overflowScrolling-fallback.' );
o.zposition = 'back';
return o;
function extendConfiguration( c )
if ( typeof c != 'object' )
c = {};
if ( typeof c.panelNodeType != 'undefined' )
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].deprecated( 'panelNodeType configuration option', 'panelNodetype' );
c.panelNodetype = c.panelNodeType;
c = $.extend( true, {}, $[ _PLUGIN_ ].configuration, c )
// Set pageSelector
if ( typeof c.pageSelector != 'string' )
c.pageSelector = '> ' + c.pageNodetype;
return c;
function _initPlugin()
glbl.$wndw = $(window);
glbl.$html = $('html');
glbl.$body = $('body');
glbl.$allMenus = $();
// Classnames, Datanames, Eventnames
$.each( [ _c, _d, _e ],
function( i, o )
o.add = function( c )
c = c.split( ' ' );
for ( var d in c )
o[ c[ d ] ] = o.mm( c[ d ] );
// Classnames
_c.mm = function( c ) { return 'mm-' + c; };
_c.add( 'menu ismenu panel list subtitle selected label spacer current highest hidden page blocker modal background opened opening subopened subopen fullsubopen subclose nooverflowscrolling' );
_c.umm = function( c )
if ( c.slice( 0, 3 ) == 'mm-' )
c = c.slice( 3 );
return c;
// Datanames
_d.mm = function( d ) { return 'mm-' + d; };
_d.add( 'parent style scrollTop offetLeft' );
// Eventnames
_e.mm = function( e ) { return e + '.mm'; };
_e.add( 'toggle open opening opened close closing closed update setPage setSelected transitionend webkitTransitionEnd touchstart touchend mousedown mouseup click keydown keyup resize' );
$[ _PLUGIN_ ]._c = _c;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ]._d = _d;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ]._e = _e;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].glbl = glbl;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].useOverflowScrollingFallback( _useOverflowScrollingFallback );
function openSubmenuHorizontal( $opening, $m )
if ( $opening.hasClass( _c.current ) )
return false;
var $panels = $('.' + _c.panel, $m),
$current = $panels.filter( '.' + _c.current );
.removeClass( _c.highest )
.removeClass( _c.current )
.not( $opening )
.not( $current )
.addClass( _c.hidden );
if ( $opening.hasClass( _c.opened ) )
.addClass( _c.highest )
.removeClass( _c.opened )
.removeClass( _c.subopened );
.addClass( _c.highest );
.addClass( _c.subopened );
.removeClass( _c.hidden )
.removeClass( _c.subopened )
.addClass( _c.current )
.addClass( _c.opened );
return 'open';
function findScrollTop()
if ( !glbl.$scrollTopNode )
if ( glbl.$html.scrollTop() != 0 )
glbl.$scrollTopNode = glbl.$html;
else if ( glbl.$body.scrollTop() != 0 )
glbl.$scrollTopNode = glbl.$body;
return ( glbl.$scrollTopNode ) ? glbl.$scrollTopNode.scrollTop() : 0;
function transitionend( $e, fn, duration )
var _ended = false,
_fn = function()
if ( !_ended )
fn.call( $e[ 0 ] );
_ended = true;
$e.one( _e.transitionend, _fn );
$e.one( _e.webkitTransitionEnd, _fn );
setTimeout( _fn, duration * 1.1 );
})( jQuery );
mmenu.css :
Ran out of space...
Your menu is there, it's just closed by default and you don't have an element to open it. http://jsfiddle.net/uLLW9/ add a open event and you'll see it
searchfield: true,
counters: true
Documentation on opening and closing menu: http://mmenu.frebsite.nl/tutorial.php#t_open