How to remove outside borders of jqplot, Please take a look at following screenshot. I tried with different options and searched for it, ButI didn't get a solution.
Here is my code,
plot1 = $.jqplot(container, [data], {
title: 'title',
animate: true,
animateReplot: true,
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
shadow: false
axesDefaults: {
highlighter: {
tooltipAxes: 'y',
show: true,
tooltipLocation: 'sw',
formatString: '<table class="jqplot-highlighter"> \
grid: {borderColor: 'transparent', shadow: false, drawBorder: false, shadowColor: 'transparent'},
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
yaxis: {
Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
Here is the JsFiddle link, I want to remove the outside border.
You can register a custom function in postDrawHooks, to be fired after plugin initialization.
The idea is to use this function to draw a white border rectangle on top of the chart, that makes the outside borders invisible.
$.jqplot.postDrawHooks.push(function() {
var $canvasMain = $("#chart1 canvas.jqplot-grid-canvas"),
$canvasLines = $("#chart1 canvas.jqplot-series-canvas"),
canvasSize = {
x: parseInt($canvasLines.attr('width')),
y: parseInt($canvasLines.attr('height'))
ctx = $canvasMain[0].getContext('2d');
ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
ctx.lineWidth = 6; // 6 to hide shadows and the larger bottom side
canvasSize.y + 3);
You can see that the outside borders are gone:
This works fine, but personally I would just go ahead and modify the source to skip the outside borders. The plugin is double licensed with GPLv2 and MIT, so I guess there are no problems going that route.
I found out that if you change this
grid: {borderColor: 'transparent', shadow: false, drawBorder: false, shadowColor: 'transparent'},
grid: {borderColor: 'white', shadow: false, drawBorder: true},
the outside border disappears (kind of what I do above), but still some tick marks on x axis appear. I've set showTickMarks: false
to no success.
See jsFiddle