Beginner to all of this, playing around with Firebase. Basically, I want to retrieve text entries from Firebase and have an "Approve" button next to it. When the button is clicked, I want that specific text entry to be pushed to a new Firebase location and the text removed from the page. I am creating the button and the text dynamically and I am having some trouble with selecting the button and the divs I created. I know I have to use on() but I'm unsure of how to use it.
approveRef.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
var posts = snapshot.val();
$('<div id="post">').text(posts.text).append('<button style ="button" id="approve">Approve</button>').appendTo($('#feed'));
$('#approve').on("click", function(){
var text = $('#post').val();
You have to bind .on()
on a container of your dynamically added element that is already on the page when you load it, and have it like this:
$('#yourContainer').on('click', '#approve', function(){
//your code here..