change fancybox size

Matías Cánepa picture Matías Cánepa · Jan 29, 2013 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I show an iframe with fancybox. Inside the HTML of the iframe I do this:

<body style="width: 650px; height: 430px;">

Then in JS I do the followig:

    padding : 0,
    closeBtn : false,
    autoSize  : true,
    fitToView : false,    
    beforeShow: function()
        this.width = ($("iframe").contents().find("body").width());
        this.height = ($("iframe").contents().find("body").height());

Where ".popup" is:

<a href="url.php" class="popup" data-fancybox-type="iframe">

If inside that iframe I load another HTML with different dimensions (let's say 400x150), fancybox adjust it's height but not it's width.

any help will be appreciated!


The first time I run fancy box, the ".fancybox-inner" div get styled like this

width: 650px; height: 430px;

Then, when I navigate inside the iframe, the ".fancybox-inner" div get styled like this

width: 650px; height: 150px;

but the second HTML body tag is like this

<body style="width: 400px; height: 150px;">


the comments from this solution linked in this answer, indicates me that this only works with the height


Mat&#237;as C&#225;nepa picture Matías Cánepa · Jan 30, 2013

Ok, I ended up doing this using fancybox version: 2.1.4 (Thu, 10 Jan 2013)

at line 1231 you will find

origHeight = body.height();

After that add this

origWidth = body.width();

That auto adjust both height and with