How to set locale format from datepicker?

Mediator picture Mediator · Dec 21, 2012 · Viewed 43.7k times · Source

How can I set the date format in jQuery UI's datepicker according to the user's locale?

I get source html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
<form action="/Home/TestDate" method="post">    <input class="datefield2 hasDatepicker valid" name="date" value="21.12.2012" type="text" id="date">
    <input type="submit" value="send">

If a select a date in the datepicker I get 12/21/2012, however I need 21.12.2012.


Gabriele Petrioli picture Gabriele Petrioli · Dec 21, 2012

Use the dateFormat option to change to a custom format

$(function() {

The real issue is that you need to manually include the localization files.

They can be found at
The one specific for german is

Demo (with full localization) can be seen at