A function is bound to an event for many objects. One of those objects fires the event and jQuery kicks in. How do I find out who fired the event inside the JavaScript function?
I've tried using function [name](event){}
and poking at event but I get "'data' is null or not an object".
Here's my code right now:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.opening').bind("click", function(event) {
//code to populate event.data since right now, the tags don't hold the info...they will eventually with an XHTML custom namespace
event.data.building = "Student Center";
event.data.room = "Pacific Ballroom A";
event.data.s_time = "9/15/2009 8:00";
event.data.e_time = "9/15/2009 10:00";
function indicatePreferenceByClick(event) {
alert("I got clicked and all I got was this alert box.");
$("#left").load("../ReserveSpace/PreferenceByClick", { building: event.data.building, room: event.data.room, s_time: event.data.s_time, e_time: event.data.e_time});
Using target
you can access the control that has caused the current execution/ event. Like this: