jCarousel: Can you remove all items and rebind to a new collection?

Jim G. picture Jim G. · Sep 3, 2009 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

jCarousel documentation states the following:

  • By passing the callback function itemLoadCallback as configuration option, you are able to dynamically create (li) items for the content.
  • jCarousel contains a convenience method add() that can be passed the index of the item to create and the innerHTML string of the item to be created.

My Question:

Is it possible to remove all items and rebind to a new collection?

BTW: I don't necessarily need a "convenience method" to do this. I'm very open to workarounds.
FYI: This strategy doesn't seem to work.


seth picture seth · Sep 3, 2009

You can do this but you need to keep a reference to the carousel around and call reset on it. This can be achieved by using the initCallback option you pass to the jcarousel function.

function carousel_callback( carousel, state) {
    // BWA-HA...I have the carousel now....FEEL THE POWER!

    // reset empties it out
    $('#reset-caro').click( function( evt ) {

    // here's how to call add
    $('#add-to').click( function( evt ) {
        // ..this just adds to the first spot..modify as needed
        carousel.add(0, "<li>O HAI!</li>");

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#mycarousel').jcarousel( {
        initCallback: carousel_callback

Here's my HTML:

  <a id="reset-caro" href="#">reset</a>

  <a id="add-to" href="#">add</a>  

  <ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">