Microsoft Ajax Control Toolkit vs. jQuery

Juri picture Juri · Aug 25, 2009 · Viewed 13.4k times · Source

we are currently developing a couple of custom server controls. Now we'd like to add some Ajax support to some of them. Now basically there would be two options

  • Microsoft Ajax & Microsoft Ajax Control Toolkit
  • jQuery

I worked already with the Control Toolkit, writing a complete Extender and it was quite intuitive, once you understand the story behind. But I also like the simplicity of jQuery.

So I'd like to hear some of you what you would like to go for (advantages/disadvantages of each of them), considering also that we're mainly dealing with Microsoft technologies. Would you go more for the toolkit or jQuery,...or both?

I just made some tests and I have to admit that at the moment I find the Toolkit better due to the integration. My purpose is mainly for using it on the server controls, so with the toolkit I have corresponding classes on the server-side where I can do something like

CalendarExtender toolkitCalendarExtender = new CalendarExtender();


This is really nice because in this way I don't have to deal with rendering predefined JavaScript which I construct somehow as string inside my custom server control. With jQuery I would have to do so (except for the toolkit Nicolas mentioned, but the support there is too weak for using it in a professional environment)

Thanks a lot.


Andy Gaskell picture Andy Gaskell · Aug 25, 2009

While these might not be major points, I'll try. jQuery does not have an UpdatePanel - This is a good thing. Your jQuery skills would easily transfer to another stack like ASP.NET MVC, Django, or Rails. It's been a while since I've seen MS's Ajax docs, but jQuery's documentation is a huge factor for me - it's excellent.

I've heard of some developers using both libraries, that might be something to look into as well.