I'm fairly new to JavaScript and jQuery. I'm trying to add a slider to my web page. So I want to make it look like the slider at http://www.orthoimplantcompany.com/products/ Can any one please give me an idea on how to do this? I have three products. After click on one product, it should open the image gallery so that the user can see the products.
3rd result on Google: http://speckyboy.com/2009/06/03/15-amazing-jquery-image-galleryslideshow-plugins-and-tutorials/
StackOverflow is about letting us know what you've tried, and asking clear questions around what to do, or why isn't some specific code working.
It's not really a "How do I do this?" site - https://stackoverflow.com/faq
Try out some sliders, give it a go, follow it through and then ask with specific questions if you can't get it working. Good luck!