Using jQuery to change image src when browser is resized

Daimz picture Daimz · Sep 18, 2012 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

I have two different sized images, one if for screens smaller than 759px, the other is for screens larger than 759px.

I have managed to get the source of the images to change when the document loads depending on the window width. But I really would like to be able to do this when the browser is resized as well but for the life of me I can't get it to do that, it only seems to work when the page is initially loaded.

This is my code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    function imageresize() {
        var contentwidth = $(window).width();
        if ((contentwidth) < '700'){
                var thisImg = $(this);
                var newSrc = thisImg.attr('src').replace('x2', 'x1');
                thisImg.attr('src', newSrc);
        } else {
                var thisImg = $(this);
                var newSrc = thisImg.attr('src').replace('x1', 'x2');
                thisImg.attr('src', newSrc);

    imageresize();//Triggers when document first loads

    $(window).bind("resize", function(){//Adjusts image when browser resized


Suriya picture Suriya · Sep 18, 2012

Try to use css3 media queries instead of doing it in jQuery or javascript.

Consider using "img-src" class on a . Whenever the screen is resized b/w 600px to 900px; x2.jpg will be loaded. By default x1.jpg will be used.


.img-src {
   background-image: url("");

@media (min-device-width:600px) and (max-width:900px) {
  .img-src {
      background-image: url("");