How to call .ajaxStart() on specific ajax calls

kevzettler picture kevzettler · Jul 28, 2009 · Viewed 72k times · Source

I have some ajax calls on the document of a site that display or hide a progress bar depending on the ajax status


I would like to basically overwirte these methods on other parts of the site where a lot of quick small ajax calls are made and do not need the progress bar popping in and out. I am trying to attach them to or insert them in other $.getJSON and $.ajax calls. I have tried chaining them but apparently that is no good.

$.getJSON().ajaxStart(function(){ 'kill preloader'});


montrealist picture montrealist · Jul 31, 2009

2018 NOTE: This answer is obsolete; feel free to propose an edit to this answer that will work.

You can bind the ajaxStart and ajaxStop using custom namespace:

$(document).bind("ajaxStart.mine", function() {

$(document).bind("ajaxStop.mine", function() {

Then, in other parts of the site you'll be temporarily unbinding them before your .json calls:


Got the idea from here while searching for an answer.

EDIT: I haven't had time to test it, alas.