Set selected value jQuery dropdownlist

Albert Prats picture Albert Prats · Jun 5, 2012 · Viewed 20.1k times · Source

I am trying to set the selected value in a dropdownlist using jquery, I have this:

 $('.option_vehiculo', '#form_login').each(function() 
    if ( == tipo_vehiculo_def)
         this.value = "option";

.option_vehiculo is a class that I give to all my dropdownlists so I can find them quickly.

I iterate through all my form dropdownlists until I find the one I want to modify. Finding the select I want to change works fine, but I can't set the selected value, I tried this as I am doing with my input fields:

this.value = "option";

where option is an option inside my dropdownlist, but all I get from this is my dropdownlist with no selected value, it just appears with no text inside and with the possibility to select one of my available options.

How do I set the selected value of a jQuery dropdownlist?

Attempts: I tried with this, but I am getting no results and I am not sure if I can use it with 'this' variable as the object I want to modify:


tried this:

var test = $('#tipo_vehiculo_1000').val();

selecting my dropdownlist by id and trying to change my selected option and outputting it later and it keeps giving me the default value "0".


charlietfl picture charlietfl · Jun 5, 2012

Instead of iterating through all of them you can simply use your id value in a jQuery selector


This assumes that you have an option tag in the select with value="option". Also assumes that since ID's must be unique in a page you haven't duplicated any ID's