Adding rows to tbody of a table using jQuery

Anupam picture Anupam · Jun 1, 2012 · Viewed 213.9k times · Source

I am trying to add rows to the tbody of a table. But I am having issues with achieving that. Firstly, the function where everything takes place is called on change of a dropdown from a html page. I created a tr string containing all the td inside that containing the html elements, text and other stuff. But when I am trying to add that generated row to the table using:

$(newRowContent).appendTo("#tblEntAttributes tbody");

I am encountering an error. The name of the table is tblEntAttributes and I am trying to add it to the tbody.

Actually what's happening is jQuery is unable to get tblEntAttributes as an html element. But I can access it using documemt.getElementById("tblEntAttributes");

Is there any way I can achieve this by adding rows to the tbody of the table. Maybe a bypass or something.

Here's the entire code:

var newRowContent = "<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"" + chkboxId + "\" value=\"" + chkboxValue + "\"></td><td>" + displayName + "</td><td>" + logicalName + "</td><td>" + dataType + "</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" name=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" value=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\"></td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" name=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" value=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\"></td></tr>";

$("#tblEntAttributes tbody").append(newRowContent); 

One thing I forgot to mention is the function where this code is written is actually the success callback function for a ajax call. I am able to access the table using document.getElementById("tblEntAttributes") but for some reason $(#tblEntAttributes) doesn't seem to work.


ᾠῗᵲᄐᶌ picture ᾠῗᵲᄐᶌ · Jun 1, 2012

("#tblEntAttributes tbody")

needs to be

$("#tblEntAttributes tbody").

You are not selecting the element with the correct syntax

Here's an example of both



$("#tblEntAttributes tbody").append(newRowContent);
