JQuery Mobile Pinch Zoom Image Only

Halsafar picture Halsafar · May 28, 2012 · Viewed 32.6k times · Source

I have a working JQM application that I'd like to display some images in. The images currently are in their own iframe so they can be scrolled separately from the app.

I'd like to be able to pinch zoom only the images within the iframe as well.

I realize if I adjust the following code snippet that I can enable pinch zoom but this enabled it for the entire application.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no;" />

By removing maximum-scale pinch zoom returns but for everything.

Is there a way to enable pinch zoom only for an image? How about adding a new viewport tag to the iframe, would that work if that is even possible?


  • Injected HTML into the iframe. Added the meta tag, this did not help.

  • Tried .extend($.mobile.zoom, {locked:false,enabled:true}); on the iframe body, this did nothing.


Sujan Shrestha picture Sujan Shrestha · Dec 12, 2012

you can do this on image:

var image=document.getElementById('imageId');


        //zoom in 
        //increase the size of image according to the e.scale

    else if(e.scale<1){
        //zoom out 
        //decrease the size of image according to the e.scale