How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC?

KingNestor picture KingNestor · Jun 16, 2009 · Viewed 26.4k times · Source

I'm in the process of trying to get the jQuery plugin, Uploadify, to work with ASP.NET MVC.

I've got the plugin showing up fine with the following JavaScript snippet:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
            'uploader': '/Content/Flash/uploader.swf',
            'script': '/Placement/Upload',
            'folder': '/uploads',
            'multi': 'true',
            'buttonText': 'Browse',
            'displayData': 'speed',
            'simUploadLimit': 2,
            'cancelImg': '/Content/Images/cancel.png'

Which seems like all is well in good. If you notice, the "script" attribute is set to my /Placement/Upload, which is my Placement Controller and my Upload Action.

The main problem is, I'm having difficulty getting this action to fire to receive the file. I've set a breakpoint on that action and when I select a file to upload, it isn't getting executed.

I've tried changing the method signature based off this article:

public string Upload(HttpPostedFileBase FileData)
    * Do something with the FileData
    return "Upload OK!";

But this still doesn't fire.

Can anyone help me write and get the Upload controller action's signature correctly so it will actually fire? I can then handle dealing with the file data myself. I just need some help getting the method action to fire.


Justin picture Justin · Aug 21, 2009
public string Upload(HttpPostedFileBase FileData) {}

is correct - the file uploaded by uploadify will get binded to FileData. No need to get into Request.Files to retrieve the file - which makes it harder to mock and test.

If your action isn't firing at all (i.e. try debugging and see if a breakpoint within the method is hit), then your issue is most likely the 'script' value - are you running under a virtual directory? If so you'll need to put the name of the directory in front. Uploadify is using an absolute path.

i.e. 'script: '/virtual_directory/Placement/Upload'

right now uploadify is sending to http://localhost/Placement/Upload.

also try using the route debugger ( to check where your route is being mapped to.