jQuery-UI resizable, resizing child elements

michael picture michael · Feb 28, 2011 · Viewed 6.9k times · Source

I have div elements, containing images. I want to make the div resizeable using jQuery-UI, resizing both the div and the children image elements.

I have tried using alsoResize, like below, but it seems to resize the first divs image instead of the corresponding child image.

    alsoResize: $(this).find('img'),
    aspectRatio: true,
    maxHeight: 140

I have created a fiddle to demonstrate this http://jsfiddle.net/letsgojuno/EhyGy/

It seems this context is always the first div, instead of the currently being resized div.


dugokontov picture dugokontov · Feb 28, 2011

Since $(this) in alsoResize will get first div, every time you make resize event, it will resize only first image. You will have to create resizable for each element, like this:

$('div').each(function () {
        alsoResize: $(this).find('img'),
        aspectRatio: true,
        maxHeight: 140
