Top "Jquery-selectors" questions

Selectors can be used in jQuery to match a set of elements in a document.

Select inputs with number type through jQuery

How can I select all inputs with number type in jQuery? The following code doesn't work: $(':input[type="number"]…

jquery-selectors types numbers html html-input
jQuery select dynamically created html element

There are a lot of asked questions with almost similar titles with this question of mine, but you know I …

javascript jquery jquery-selectors dynamically-generated
cheerio / jquery selectors: how to get a list of elements in nested div's?

I need to parse some markup similar to this one, from an html page: <div id="list"> <…

node.js jquery-selectors cheerio
How to find <script> elements with particular value of "type" attribute?

Assuming the following script tag in a random HTML document: <script id="target" type="store"> //random JavaScript code …

jquery jquery-selectors dom-traversal
Get value of tinymce textarea with jquery selector

I want to get the value of a tinymce textarea <textarea id="thetextarea"></textarea> on key …

jquery-selectors tinymce
jquery filtering has + not

Okay I have list items, some have a span, some not. On my event I want to add the span …

jquery jquery-selectors filtering
jQuery mobile- For every live tap event should there be an equivalent click event?

I have replaced the jQuery live click events to jQuery mobile tap events to increase responsiveness. I have a feeling …

jquery jquery-selectors jquery-mobile
What is the difference between the document selector and window selector?

I have the following JQuery function that takes user input and displays it on screen. When I select for both $(…

jquery jquery-selectors window document
jquery, set focus on the first enabled input or select or textarea on the page

It's fairly straightforward. I want to set focus to the first enabled and not hidden control on the page. For …

jquery jquery-selectors focus
Using jQuery to select items that have style "visibility:visible" or "visibility:hidden" NOT "display: none"

How do you select only visible elements using jQuery? jQuery selectors :visible and :hidden only respects display:none as really …

jquery css jquery-selectors visibility